Chocolate 12 Color Tube Paint Set by Nendo

12:35 AM Latice Design 0 Comments

Chocolates like a set of oil paints. Tubes in a box of paints contain a variety of colours, and these chocolates a variety of flavoured syrups. The labels indicate each chocolate’s flavour and also function as wrappers, keeping fingers clean for eating. A design that combines the childhood excitement of opening a new box of paints and the thrill of opening a box of chocolates you’ve been given unexpectedly.

"Chocolates like a set of oil paints. Tubes in a box of paints contain a variety of colors, and these chocolates a variety of flavored syrups. The labels indicate each chocolate’s flavor and also function as wrappers, keeping fingers clean for eating. A design that combines the childhood excitement of opening a new box of paints and the thrill of opening a box of chocolates you’ve been given unexpectedly."

                                    "Chocolate-Paint". nendo. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 July 2016.

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